How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car? Your Inquries Answered

How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car

Knowing exactly how long does it take to charge an electric car is like asking how much time you need to spend to cross the nation. Battery charging is one of the main concerns of those electric car owners.


The time required to charge the battery of an electric car is depending on many different factors. In the following sections, you will find out each of those factors and how the charging process works.


How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car
How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car – Image Source:


How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car at Home and Charging Station?


  1. Charge the Electric Car in Public Stations

Charging an electric car in a public charging station tends to operate much more quickly than at home with only 3 to 7 kW of speeds. Fast charging stations can run between 7 and 50 kW, whilst anything beyond this level is often considered a rapid charging stations.


To recharge the battery of your electric car, you will only need over three hours to fully charge it in a public charger with 11 kW of power. But if you find a 22 kW charger, you will need less than two hours to get your fully charged. However, most people will not fully recharge their electric vehicles in public charging stations but will recharge it a bit to get them home or to the next stop.


  1. Using a Wallbox Charger

Most electric car owners install a wallbox charger in their home in order to speed up the charging process at home. These devices will usually produce up to 7 kW of power or could be more if the house has a three-stage supply of electricity.


You should be mindful that it is nearly impossible that you should recharge the battery of your car from 0 to 100% every day. Just like those regular vehicles that are running out of gas, electric vehicles are less likely run out of energy if you drive them thoughtfully. That is why, based on the average daily use of most electric car drivers, you only need to charge your car’s battery up to 70 or 90% of their full capacity.


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  1. Charge the Electric Car at Home

This is the most convenient way to charge your electric vehicle, ane nearly 90% of car owners prefer charging their cars at home. The length of time needed to fully charge your car actually depends on two different factors: the power source and the amount of power required to recharge the vehicle’s battery.


The size of your car’s battery is always in kilowatt-hours (kWh), while the charging power such as wallbox charger or any other electric sources is in kW. Suppose the battery capacity of an electric car is around 35.5 kWh. In that case, it will need around five hours to get it fully charged by using a charger with 7 kW of power supply.


Now, you already know the answer of how long does it take to charge an electric car. Important to note: if you are not using your car, it would be better to recharge it overnight. This way, you will be able to save time than driving a regular car. Besides, your vehicle will always be ready to go whenever you need it.

How Long Does it Take to Charge an Electric Car? Your Inquries Answered

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