When you plan to create 10 gallon aquascape, you have to realize it is quite a big size for the tank, and the aquascape inside of it will need a lot of planning. The plan, of course, should start from choosing the best style for aquascape. Here are some of the best styles for your aquascape done in 10-gallon tank.
Nature Style
One of the best styles you can use for 10 gallon aquascape is nature style. It is the most popular style these days. The arrangements of plants, rocks and livestock inside the tank are done as natural as possible. The final look of the aquarium should resemble the natural scenery. It looks rustic and probably the best one when it comes to aesthetic value.
Read More : Nature Aquarium – The Main Characteristics of Beautiful Aquarium

Dutch Style
The Dutch style is well-known for its layering concept. The characteristic of this aquascape style is including its coverage on the floor. The floor is layered by artificial carpet or shorter plants, making it seem invisible. You won’t find a lot of stones in this style of aquarium, too. The content of the tank will be mostly plants, arranged from the shorter to the tallest one.
Taiwanese Style
If you have ever seen a Taiwanese garden, you will notice that there will be a lot of statues and figurines used in that particular garden. That is exactly what a Taiwanese style aquarium looks like. Besides of the plan, there will be tons of small figurines arranged neatly in the aquarium. As 10-gallon tank is pretty large, the figurines will easily fill up and enhance the tank.
The eventual result of the aquascape done in 10-gallon tank will always noticeable and perfect for any room’s focal point. This is why the 10 gallon aquascape is a great way to decorate the room. Read the information above carefully before planning anything for the aquascape.