How to Clean Aquarium Plants Easily at Home

A lot of aquarium owners are asking how to clean aquarium plants. Having an aquarium with plants living inside is common these days, and you need to clean up the aquarium, including the plants, quite regularly. It will prevent algae and dirt from building up and eventually ruin the clarity of the water. Here are some tips of cleaning up aquarium plants.

  1. Cleaning Live Plants

Live plants should be carefully cleaned. You do not want to tear down anything. The best method to clean them up is by bleaching them. Use small amount of hypochlorite bleach to wash up the plants. Instead of scrubbing them and have the risk of ripping them up, bleach will be a wiser solution.

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aquarium plants
aquarium plants  – Source :
  1. Cleaning Artificial Plants

Cleaning artificial plants should be way easier than cleaning live plants because they are, well, plastic. To clean them up, all you need to use is some old toothbrushes and some soapy water. Dip the tooth brush into soapy water and use it to scrub the artificial plants, cleaning up its algae and built-up dirt.

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green aquarium plants
green aquarium plants – Source :
  1. Quarantining Plants

Besides the tips on how to clean aquarium plants, you also need to know how to quarantine an aquarium plant. Sometimes, a plant can develop fungi or diseases and you need to separate it from the rest of the plants. All you need to do is basically take the infected plant out of the aquarium and place it in an aquarium filled with hydrogen peroxide. It will kill the bacteria and fungi gradually.

Make sure you read the information up above, and clean up the tank every once in a while. Cleaning up the plants will certainly help making the aquarium look as great as possible. Since those tips are pretty simple, you can always practice them easily at home. The information up there will prevent you from asking how to clean aquarium plants every time.

Beautiful aquarium plants for aquascape
Beautiful aquarium plants for aquascape –  Source :


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